Wookey Hole, Mendip

14th March 2017: with Jake and Nick.

The plan was to go up to the end of Chamber 20 in Wookey Hole to check the water levels in our dig there. Optimism, mostly on my part, began to waiver when a strong drip of water was noted in the show cave, further on, the calcite cascade was flowing, approaching the dig, the small side passage was overflowing into the pond in the chamber just before the dig. The dig, was of course, flooded, the water had been deeper, but for now, had receded to its perched level. A little while yet before the digging effort can re-commence.

To pass some time we made our way over to the rift to retrieve some kit left part way down, the equipment will be of use in the future. Then, we left the cave to go to the pub.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, geologist, speleologist.