Wookey Hole, Mendip

28th July 2016: with Tav, Nick Hawkes and Matt Tuck.

After about a three month lay-off it was good to return to the explorations beyond Chamber 20. This was a relatively quick in and out trip to get things going.

We had followed the lead first pushed by divers, Tom Chapman and Keith Savory, and this had ended at another sump that Duncan Price is planning to dive in a few days time. The plan is to follow another potential lead at a higher level, unfortunately this is a little constricted, hence the purpose of this evening jaunt.

Drilling wasn’t good as there was a bit too much calcite to get through and some alterations were called for. Perseverance paid off, job done and a satisfying conclusion. We’ll see next trip how things worked.

As usual it was rather warm tonight and I was only wearing the lightest of caving gear, Matt, however suffered most in his nice warm fleece and heavy duty cordura oversuit.

To the Hunter’s for refreshments and debrief.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, geologist, speleologist.