3rd January 2016

The arranged trip into Home Close Hole was binned due to adverse weather conditions – persistent rain and an excess of surface water. As part of the investigation of the source(s) of water flowing into Home Close [and Wigmore] we had planned to place activated charcoal receptors in the streams in various locations within the cave system as controls prior to testing.

The decision was made to check the water flowing into Tor Hole and Long Wrangle (pictured below) both possible sinks into the cave system. So set off with Nick Hawkes, Claire Cohen, Stuart MacManus, Pete Hellier and Tony Audsley to have a look. There was a lot of water flowing and it was probably not the best of conditions for the testing to take place, better to wait for more settled conditions as the hydrology project will require several consecutive weekends.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, geologist, speleologist.