Haggs Brow Excavations, May 2016

Haggs Brow Excavations, Lower Winskill, Yorkshire Dale National Park.

Just spent an enjoyable few days on this project at Lower Winskill in the Yorkshire Dales with a group of fine like minded individuals seeking to further their experience and knowledge of caves and environment in this area, me included. The attached pdf is a record of my personal account of proceedings.

It is hoped that this is an initial phase of a longer ongoing investigation of the Lower Winskill environs and could, perhaps, spread to other features within the wider landscape.

The pdf above provides some useful guidelines to the treatment of animal bones recovered during excavations. A whole lot of further information on cave archaeology can be found on the BCRA_Cave Archaeology Special Interest Group website.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, geologist, speleologist.