25th October: with Jake, Nick, Tav and Duncan P.
All went in through the ‘adventure caving route’ near the main entrance where I stayed behind to take some photographs, the rest of the team went on up to the dig at the top of 20.
After taking the photographs I then headed into 20 to join up with the others. I was distracted along the way and stopped to take even more photographs.

Then I got sidetracked by a passage that I thought might by-pass the climb, it didn’t, and I was glad to get back out as it was rather too snug in places and I was not convinced it was entirely stable among the rocks.
Eventually arrived at the dig and joined in with the team shifting spoil back and dumping it in various gaps in the floor of the chamber.
All too soon it was time to depart the dig and we made our way out of the cave exiting by the more traditional route along the tunnel.