Wookey Hole, Mendip

10th March 2016: with Nick Hawkes, Tav, Brockers and Duncan Price.

DP wanted to shoot some more video sequences on the way in so the rest of us headed off to the dig. Nick and Tav went to the end to clear away the debris from last week while Brockers and me installed some stainless steel hangers on a couple of the climbs. Put a hand-line down the 2nd climb and a hand-line and ladder on the 3rd climb. By now DP had joined us and the events were captured for posterity. Meanwhile Tav and Nick had shifted a considerable pile of rock and things were almost ready for me to do my bit. After all had inspected the prospects ahead I got on with the drilling and prepping ready to create some more debris for next week. The trip out is becoming a bit of classic Mendip caving and when we reach the streamway it’s going to be a good trip. The evening’s work concluded we made our way out and up to the Hunter’s Lodge Inn for the usual de-brief.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, geologist, speleologist.