Home Close Hole, Mendip

7th February 2016: with Clare Cohen and Sam Batstone.

Trip to replace the activated charcoal receptors as part of the hydrology project to establish the source of the streams in the Home Close system. The pitch was a little damper than usual after some heavy rain, but that was okay as your was cleaned on the way back up later. Went upstream first to replace the 2no. receptors there, one at the ruckle and the other at the gravel choke. Then down to Vindication Streamway just beyond Sump 9. Took some videos on the way using my Nikon Coolpix, most of which have come out rather well, just need to work out how to edit them. The last receptor is just upstream of the connection a little beyond the waterfall. A steady trip out to the surface, as I had rigged the pitch then Sam and Claire re-rigged. Still a good 3 hours or so underground.

Tests were done on the control receptors which proved negative for any fluorescence. The fluorescein will be placed into Tor Hole either later on Sunday afternoon or on Monday. The receptors placed in the cave will need to be retrieved next weekend.

To see the video click here

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, geologist, speleologist.