Wookey Hole, Mendip

19th January 2016: with Nick and Tav. Tom took the Vanderplanks on a tour around the main passages off Chamber 20, etc.

Last weeks pop had done it’s job and the passage has been suitably widened although there is quite a lot of debris to be shifted. I passed some of the larger lumps back to Nick who, in turn handed them up to Tav at the top of the ladder. We really need to get some spoil removal system in place. Anyway while Nick and Tav continued to move rocks around I moved ahead to deal with the next constriction at the top of a c.4m drop, some widening here will enable better spoil removal. There was already quite a bit of rubble at the bottom of the drop and I suspect there will be even more when tonight’s task was completed. Still passage is dropping down quite sharply which is what we want.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, geologist, speleologist.