Recently excavated this curious crescent shaped group of features associated with a circular group of pits suggested to be a henge. The group is inside the larger group of pits on the NW side and might represent some kind of screen (?) to entry from that side into the henge (?). Located in Dorset, geology is chalk.
Author: mendipgeoarch
Ham Woods
This viaduct in Ham Woods near Shepton Mallet used to carry the Somerset and Dorset railway track over the valley. Also used to be a good place for bridge jumping!
2nd March 2015
23rd February 2015
Another evening trip over to Templeton’s to assist the quest to extend South Shaft. The winch is working so kit was transported easily to the required spot. A very satisfying echo can be heard at the dig face.
19th February 2015
6th February 2015
Visited the Fussells Iron Works near Mells in Somerset. Operating in the 18th and 19th century’s the foundry manufactured agricultural edge tools – billhooks, scythes, etc. but not exclusively so. For further information visit the Fussells Iron Industry website.
2nd February
Went over to Templeton’s to assist the quest to extend the South Shaft. Unfortunately the winch was out of action so had to climb the 80+ metres of ladder with my kit (drill, batteries and other sundry items) on my back. Not so bad down but requiring some more effort back up! Another satisfying session.
28th January 2015
Partially excavated prehistoric pot (Early Iron Age) on a site near Blandford in Dorset. Curiously was unable to see any cut to the feature, the pot was quite high in the subsoil and amongst some large flint nodules and it is suggested this might have afforded some protection from the plough. Scale 0.5 metre.
Mendip cave archaeology
Simmonds, V. 2014. An overview of the archaeology of Mendip caves and karst. Mendip Cave Register & Archive (MCRA).
I’ve spent some time beavering away at putting together ‘An overview of the archaeology of Mendip caves and karst’ that is freely available online in the archaeology section of the Mendip Cave Register & Archive at
Smitham Chimney
Reflections in the pool at Smitham Chimney, Harptree Wood, Mendip – the last of its kind still standing.
Harptree Combe
November 16th 2014: spotted on a Sunday morning stroll in Harptree Combe.
Pestle Puffball (Calvatia excipuliformis)
On the same walk I admired some fine early Victorian engineering, the aquaduct built c.1840.

Cheddar Gorge
A Sunday morning walk along the top of Cheddar Gorge at the end of summer time!
Bake Hole, Cheddar NGR ST 4662 5420